After years of debilitating back pain, Exercise Physiologist, Acupuncturist, Masseur and Iyengar Yoga teacher, Isabel Gordon search for relief led her to explore massage, traditional Chinese Medicine and yoga.
Whilst she continues to work with a few elite athletes, she has a particular interest in pain and stress management and provides valuable advice in this interview on how to get the basics right, look after your body that you reside in, your mind, your home & your family & friends, then share whatever is left over.
Isabel believes that as long as you are breathing you can practice yoga. And for it is not the asana, but the awareness that counts, both on and off the mat.”
She explains how that no matter what challenges & obstacles are in our way, we can live a happy healthy life in which you can achieve your dreams and desires.
Learn the nine distractions & obstacles which hinder the yoga aspirants practice as noted by Patanjali (the sage to whom all yoga can be traced back to) and how they are related to your success or failure in life and business.
Work with Isabel at The Ultimate Breakthrough Retreat to Revolutionalise Your Business and Harmonise Your Life in October at Mt Tambourine.
Contact Isabel Gordon BSc (Hons) 0412636950
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