Have you ever to say something you know is going to be of great value to the conversation and your mind goes blank?

Or worse…has that happened when you have been speaking in front of an audience?

If you have or if you have worried about doing it, you know how awful it feels to have the entire audience just staring at you for what seems like hours, when it is likely just a few seconds, willing some words of wisdom to break through the panic.

Trust me…that can be a real problem if you don’t have a back-up plan.

So just what do you do when your mind goes blank?

  • Firstly…Breathe
  • Secondly…Smile
  • And my favourite…cover it up by asking the audience for any comments on your last statement
  • Or a good fall back…joke about having a ‘grey’ moment and again ask your audience.

Forgetting your words can be embarrassing and look unprofessional but I guarantee you feel worse than your audience.  On most occasions, your audiences is supportive and patient.  So don’t ever panic.


  1. Stay calm
  2. If you have demonstrated your knowledge, your audience won’t care.
  3. It isn’t life and death

Best wishes till next time.


P.S. To join other up and coming speakers at a public workshop on Professional Presenting click here
